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5X Racing Grip Shift Knob for Mazda Miata

Grip Shift Knob

23993373 - 5XR-GRIPSFT
This is THE shift knob for ultimate race-inspired comfort, feel, and shift effort!
  • 14.2 ounces total weight
  • Special in-house designed solid steel shifter handle with M10 x 1.25 thread pitch based off of the Mazda Miata shifter
  • Black ODI mountain bike soft-touch grip
  • 10+ lock-collar options give you control of personalization
  • New anodized black aluminum finish cap with 5X Racing logo or blank cap option with allen key tool included for adjusting cap rotation
  • Will fit any car using a M10 x 1.25 shifter thread
  • Easier shifts, racecar sequential gearbox shifter knob look, and Key Lime candies included free of charge
  • Availability: Please anticipate a delay due to assembly timing. All shift knobs ship on Monday or Thursday's
    Shipping: UPS Ground or USPS Priority
    Pricing: $45.00
    5 5 2

    Customize Your Item

    - Cap Style -
     * required
    - Clamp Color -
     * required
    Add an Extra Clamp?


    After making a shift knob from a dirt bike handlebar grip for our 1999 Miata shop car and testing it at Daytona during a track-day, we were surprisingly impressed! The extra height of the shifter provided more leverage, in turn making shifting effort even easier. Add to that the extra grippy material of the handlebar grip, and we felt we had a winning combination! That original grip lead us to explore other grip options, as the handle we used underneath the grip is designed to work with 7/8" handlbar grips, so ANY BMX, Mountain Bike, ATV, or Motorcycle grip was now a possibility. Our search led us to ODI Grips, which are easily the most recognizable companies in the grip industry. Trying several of their grips, we landed on this grip, which provides the ultimate racecar style and functional shift knob.

    Installation and Adjusting


    • 23993373 - 5XR-GRIPSFT
    • 23993373
    • 5X Racing
    • Available
    • Please anticipate a delay due to assembly timing. All shift knobs ship on Monday or Thursday's
    • New

    Shipping Information

    • Item Requires Shipping
    • 1.0 lbs.
    • W9.0000” x H6.0000” x L2.0000”
    • UPS Ground or USPS Priority

    Customer Reviews

    Comment Total Reviews (1)

    • Currently 5/5 Stars

    Reviewed by:

    Product ownership: A year or longer

    Purchased from: 5X Racing

    Did not know if I would like it over the standard que ball I run. Good feel and nice height.

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